The warmth of summer has us all eager to enjoy the short season we have.  After last winter, surely the idea of being outside is quite appealing before another season of winter hibernation. 

Everyone has their "go to" for outdoor fun. Mine is kayaking.  It is a chance to be on the water exploring less traveled coves and little islands to bask in the sun without all the crowds of beach goers.  Kayaking can be as intense or relaxing as you chose.  It can be an excellent form of exercise especially for upper body and core.  Some of the benefits of kayaking are -  you can usually get a good parking spot and don't have to pay to park, it is a great form of exercise, you find peaceful places on lakes that boats cant go, beautiful sites and wildlife and best of all you can pack a cooler with whatever you choose (water in mine of course). 

I took up kayaking about 5 years ago as another form of outdoor enjoyment and something I can do alone if needed.  I purchased a kayak that fit my frame.  For more information regarding types/sizes of kayaks, etc. visit this website.    If you have a car vs a truck you can invest in a rack (expensive) or the cheapo pads that go on top of your car and strap on (that works just fine) and away you go.  Put a carpet or thick blanket on your trunk and push it on up!!!  



Aside from the initial expense of the kayak and equipment, it is a terrific way to spend your warm summer days on the water with by far, more return of enjoyment.  

As always, before starting any new activity be sure you do not have deficits in the following muscle groups to prevent injury. Co-pays can be more costly than the kayak.

...ENJOY Here are a few exercises to practice beforehand: