Telehealth Appointments with Ortho Rhode Island

To continue to provide safe, convenient care to our community, Ortho Rhode Island now also offers Telehealth appointments when clinically appropriate. These appointments allow patients to speak to their Ortho Rhode Island provider remotely via video on a HIPAA-compliant platform.

What You’ll Need to Participate

Confirmation from your Ortho Rhode Island provider that a Telehealth appointment is clinically appropriate

A computer, smartphone, or tablet with a forward-facing camera

Ability to receive text messages or email

Please contact your Ortho Rhode Island provider to find out if a Telehealth appointment is right for you.

Orthopedics Rhode Island is experiencing a network outage that is impacting our computer and phone systems. We are currently working on resolving this issue and apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. While Ortho RI is open in a limited capacity during this outage, we will be experiencing some delays and extended wait times. If you prefer to reschedule your appointment, please feel free to text us at (401) 764-8022 and as soon as our systems are up and running, we will be happy to assist. We ask that if your call is non-emergent, please refrain from reaching out to our on-call provider. If you do need to speak with the on call provider, please call 401-788-2838.