New Year, New You?


The New Year has just started; did you set a new years resolution?

21 days in and its time to think… are you keeping up with what you set out to do?

I think its fair to say many people set either a nutritional or physical fitness resolution for themselves.

Let me set the scene…the gyms are packed, you can’t find a treadmill because everyone is trying to better himself or herself… While you are searching for your lunch in the work fridge you see yours behind two or three salads. It seems like everyone is on to something. What better time to start fresh then fresh into a new year? It makes sense, the holidays are hard on the body so why not enjoy them with family and friends while they last and start new when the calendar changes.

So that being said, while I was searching a blog I frequently read I found an article that I thought would be perfect to share to keep everyone on track. It is titled “10 ways to actually stick to your healthy eating new years resolution” published by the site The Every Girl and author Abigail Keeso.

It discusses how difficult it is to keep healthy eating habits and gives do-able suggestions on how to make them a habit for a lifetime. It advises you to identify with why you want to make this change “to have more energy, clearer skin or more self confidence”

The full article can be found here.

The site also has another great article titled “7 habits to help you keep fitness resolutions” by Jess Keys that discusses the second part of the common resolution, fitness. It identifies the struggle a lot of us feel in this cold weather but it teaches us how to “buddy up” and get out of a rut. It also refers to “SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Time-bound) goals”

The full article can be found here.

The site has it all, they have suggestions on how to keep your resolution and how to keep your fitness goals and they also have an entry by Cassandra Monroe that will make preparing your work lunch easier. The article “15 lunches to make ahead for work” has great, hearty lunches with all the recipes attached.

The full article can be found here.

So there it is, three articles to help with your New Years resolution struggle. I hope that you find them helpful in making a habit of your goals for 2016 because there is no better time then right now. Why not you, you deserve the best you possible.

Cheers to 2016!!!

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  • fitness

Author: Kelly Teixeira

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