5 Common Basketball Injuries



Basketball is a common cause of knee and ankle injuries.

Basketball is one of the most popular sports in the US. Unfortunately though, the injury rate is also high, with at least 22 percent of all male basketball players sustaining at least one time-loss injury each year.

Basketball injuries are generally separated into two general categories: overuse injuries and traumatic injuries. Overuse injuries are caused by stressing a specific area repeatedly until it becomes damaged. Traumatic injuries are caused by a sudden forceful move, such as being thrown to the ground or moving the wrong way.

Let’s take a look at five common basketball injuries, and see what you should know about each.

1. Ankle Sprains

Sprained ankles are the most common basketball injury. This injury is caused when the ankle rolls too far outward, or when another player lands on the ankle. Sprained ankles are generally treated by a short period of immobilization and allowing the ligaments to heal. After the rest period, you will begin special exercises to help strengthen the muscle. Rare cases could require surgery to help repair the damage and help stabilize the ankle.

2. Achilles Tendon Rupture

An Achilles tendon rupture can be caused from making a forceful push off with your foot while your knee is straight, as in jumping. It can also be caused by tripping, or landing improperly on your foot, stretching the tendon and causing it to rupture. Most ruptures are treated by wearing a controlled motion ankle boot, but some may require surgery.

3. Knee Injuries

Knee injuries can be among the most serious basketball injuries. You can injure your knee in a number of different ways while playing basketball, including everything from a sprain to a tear. A knee sprain is treated in a similar way to a sprained ankle. One of the more severe knee injuries is a complete tear of one or more of the ligaments supporting the knee. These injuries generally require surgery. Knee arthroscopic surgery is a common procedure that involves making small incisions in the skin to repair injuries to ligaments or bone in the knee joint area, or for knee cartilage repair. Meniscus injuries, which can be caused by twisting the knee, may also require arthroscopic surgery.

4. AC Joint Injury

An AC joint injury, also known as shoulder separation can range from a mild strain to a complete ligament tear. Your AC joint can become injured if you hit the ground with sudden force, or if someone lands on top of your arm. The ligaments can become over stretched or separated. Most AC joint injuries are treated with physiotherapy, but some severe cases may require surgery.

5. Calf Muscle Injury

A calf muscle injury is similar to an Achilles tendon rupture, yet occurs further up on your calf muscle. This is caused by applying the wrong kind of pressure to your calf, which causes a tear in the muscle. The degree of the damage will determine the healing process.

While basketball is an enjoyable and beneficial sport –it’s important to be aware of the common injuries that can occur. Should you or your loved one sustain an injury, be sure to contact Blackstone Orthopedics and sports medicine in Rhode Island today.

  • Tags:
  • Achilles Tendon
  • calf muscle injuries
  • knee injuries