5 Ways to Get Moving this May


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Don’t have time to work out or plan healthy meals? These aren’t the only excuses offered from sedentary people, they also don’t find these activities fun. Instead of focusing on getting fit and eating better, pick activities that sound fun to you. Blackstone Orthopedics & Sports Medicine chose 5 fun ways you can get moving and improve your diet.

1)      Focus on fun, not exercise.

Instead of using the word “exercise,” think of it as a fun activity. These enjoyable activities could include hiking, biking, or playing outdoor games.

2)      Get fit in a comfortable place

Start off at an intensity level that is comfortable for you and pace yourself. Don’t feel pressured from work-out videos or friends to push yourself. People that exercise at their own pace generally continue to exercise.

3)      Exercise with Music

Music not only enhances endurance, but it also helps people get more pleasure from exercise. Studies have found that listening to your favorite music decreases stress while increasing the comfort level of the exercise.

4)      Aim to exercise Daily

Make it part of your daily routine to fit in a little exercise every day. Focus on forming a pattern of daily exercise and increase it every day. It doesn’t matter if you exercise for 5 minutes or an hour, getting yourself into a routine will most likely help you stick to it.

5)      Double your goals

If you have a goal to get fit, you may want to double up your goal such as eating healthier. Studies show that it is easier to make massive changes in your health rather than just two small changes, so set those goals for a healthier you!

For more suggestions on ways you can get moving this May, contact Blackstone Orthopedics & Sports Medicine. Our physical therapists and specialists would be happy to assist you by providing you with knowledgeable health and fitness information. Visit our site or call (800) 725-3037 to schedule an evaluation at any of our eight locations.

  • Tags:
  • exercise
  • moving
  • workout