The Benefits of Group Fitness

  • December 4, 2014
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  • Health
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  • Ortho Rhode Island


Exercising alone can get boring and repetitive. Group exercises are a great way to get your exercise routine started and they offer a variety of different training techniques, environments, and challenging workouts. There are many great benefits to group fitness, here are just a few:

1) Proper technique

Having an instructor demonstrate the correct way to perform the workout will help to prevent injuries as well as maximize your results. A group class will show you the proper moves and the correct way to use the equipment.

2) Motivation

Going to classes with friends and being able to keep up with the class is a great way to boost your confidence. Keeping up with the class will boost your personal boundaries and also allow you to push yourself when the instructor says “4 more reps!” This motivation will help you to finish the workout with the rest of the class.

3)  A Scheduled Routine

Most gym classes stick to a routine schedule so you have the opportunity to make it a part of your week. Having a routine workout will keep you going instead of just forcing yourself to go to the gym solo.

4) Get a full body workout!

A lot of classes work a variety of muscles throughout the class. You are more likely to get a full body workout while in a group setting then when you do it individually.

5)  It can be fun!

A group setting has the ability to take your mind off the actual workout because most classes have energetic music to keep you motivated. You will also have an instructor that will pump you up and get you going in the exercise routine.

There are many great benefits to group fitness classes and they also have the ability to get you in great shape!

Blackstone Orthopedics & Sports Medicine has experienced orthopedic surgeons that are happy to assist you by providing you with knowledgeable health and fitness information. Before starting any supplements regimen it’s best to consult with your doctor. For more information, visit our website or call to schedule an appointment at any of our 8 locations (800) 725-3037.

  • Tags:
  • group exercise
  • gym
  • workout
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