Ortho Rhode Island Blog

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Interesting / Erin Bolaski

Good Thoughts

We have all felt, if only modestly, the effects of anxiety, fear or loneliness in our daily lives.

Over the past few weeks, our country and many others have been disrupted by fear and anxiety over the novel virus, SARS-CoV-2.  Due to the severity of this virus, we have been given instructions to limit community outings and to keep social distance when around others. This virus has brought tremendous fear for our loved ones, our own health and our financial security. Along with this fear, many of us are having increasing anxiety and loneliness from being isolated in our homes. No matter what you are going through, know that you are not alone. We are all trying to figure this out together. As we continue to navigate through this tough time, I wanted to share a few words that have brought me great peace. In times of an unknown future, it is important to realize how powerful our words and our hopes can be…

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Interesting / Kevin Carey

Hand Washing – A History

Spring is an exciting time in New England. With the warmer days ahead, and the end to the bitter cold and snow, it can have us itching to get outside. However, Spring can also bring several issues such as seasonal allergies, asthma, the common cold and other respiratory/ airborne spread illnesses. To focus on the latter, we have all heard a great deal about keeping down the spread of illness with frequent and effective hygiene. Hand washing, hand washing, and more hand washing!

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Exercise / Tracy Gannon

Want to Feel Less Stiff and Move Better? ….Sit on the Floor!

For most of us, as we get older, the thought of sitting down on the floor seems like an effort. And for some of us the question arises….will I be able to get back up? And for a few, the answer is “No, I won’t be able to get back up without help”.   How did this happen?    And when did it happen?

We all started out living on the floor.   The floor was our home.    We sat, we crawled, we scooted, we ate, we played on the floor.   We spent hours….

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March 6, 2020 / ORI Blog / Orthopedics Rhode Island

INFOGRAPHIC: Turning Sunshine into Strong Bones

The best part of setting our clocks ahead this weekend? The extra hour of sunlight we’ll get in the afternoon. See how safe exposure to sunlight can help make our bones stronger.

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Health / Kayla Denis

Surviving the Winter Blues

There are many factors presumably leading to this overall negative or “down” feeling in the colder months. These include dips in serotonin and melatonin due in part to less sunlight, or disruptions to our internal clock mechanism called the circadian rhythm. Other evidence suggests weight gain over the winter holidays can have a negative impact on self-worth and self-esteem, as well as affect energy levels and sleep patterns. Others yet feel the pressures of the holiday season cause unnecessary stress and financial burden, which impacts daily thought processes and motivation. Whatever the cause, I know I am not alone in feeling overall doom and gloom much more frequently during the winter months compared to the warm summer ones.  

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Interesting / Russell White


 I am a strong supporter of volunteering.  As full time PTA and part time personal trainer, I volunteer my time on the weekends to work with Special Olympic athletes, specifically the power lifters. I have been an avid weight lifter for a long time and have always enjoyed working with…………Volunteering is something I believe everyone should take part in. The feeling of gratitude and inspiration gained is indescribable.

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February 26, 2020 / ORI Blog / Orthopedics Rhode Island

Put a Spring in Your Step with these Exercises

You don’t need a room full of fancy equipment to improve your physical fitness. Jumping exercises can help increase strength and stability, and only require enough space to move safely and comfortably.

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Interesting / Christine Saleeba

Happy National Love – Your – Pet- Day and Happy National Muffin Day!

There is nothing better than the companion of a pet! I can tell you from personal experience, there is no better stress release than a day with my pup. The unconditional love pets provide, and the ability to just live their best life, has been shown in research to actually have a positive impact on our health. The Center for Disease Control and Harvard Medical School have both recognized the health benefits to owning pets. 

These include:

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February 20, 2020 / ORI Blog / Orthopedics Rhode Island

VIDEO: Get Back to Activity with Shoulder Care from Ortho Rhode Island

Whether you’re working on your home run swing or scooping up your kids for a hug, keeping your shoulders healthy is an important part of everyday life.

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