Common Causes of ACL Injuries



The Anterior Cruciate Ligament [ACL] is one of four ligaments located in the knee joint that provide stability during walking and other activities.  ACL injuries, such as sprains or tears, most commonly occur in athletes, but can also happen during everyday activities. Treatment for ACL injuries includes rest, physical therapy, and orthopedic surgery to repair a torn ligament and restore full function to the knee.

Changing Direction or Stopping

One of the most common causes of ACL injuries when there is a sudden stop or a sudden change in direction. Sports such as soccer and basketball often involve twisting and stopping motions that can cause damage to the ACL. Improperly landing after a jump, as in gymnastics or track, can also stress the knee and damage the ligaments. Coming to a dead stop from a jog or run without slowing down properly increases your risk of an ACL tear as well.


A sudden impact or collision can also cause injury to the ACL. Contact Sports that have a high incidence of collision such as Football, Hockey or Rugby are major culprits for an ACL injury. Surprisingly however,  ACL injuries also occur during everyday accidents such as falls or trips. Vehicle collisions and other accidents are another popular cause of trauma to the knee may also cause damage to the ACL.


Regardless of other factors, ACL injuries are more common in women than men. This is due to slight differences in female and male physiology, making the ACL more susceptible to damage in women. Other factors that may be responsible for the increased incidence of ACL injuries in female athletes include differences in muscular strength, physical conditioning, and neuromuscular control. The female hormone estrogen may also have an impact on the strength of the ligaments and their risk of injury.

ACL injuries can be serious and require professional care for a full recovery. Call Blackstone Orthopedics & Sports Medicine today at (800) 725-3037 to schedule a personalized evaluation. You can learn more about our orthopedic surgeons, physician assistants, and medical assistants on our website.

  • Tags:
  • ACL
  • injuries
  • sprains