Staying Healthy at College



From studying for exams to playing sports and socializing on weekends, worrying about staying healthy may be the last thing on your mind. How do you think eating corn chips and pizza will affect your health when you’re trying to beat the flu? Taking care of your body will only improve your ability in school work as well as on the playing field. Here are a few tips from Blackstone Orthopedics & Sports Medicine on how to take care of your body while at college.

Cardio on Campus

Performing cardio exercise regularly will help to fend off stress as well as give you the energy to make it through your heavy class load. According to The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), you should do moderate cardio five times per week for 30 minutes.

If you’re cramming for time, two 15 minute sessions are just as great as one half-hour stint. Whether it be walking, swimming, or kickboxing, vigorous cardio comes with great benefits. If you can’t get in 20 minutes of vigorous cardio three times a week, 30 minutes of cardio five times a week is just as good.

Stretch and De-Stress

Studying and exams can be stressful which is why practicing something relaxing like yoga or tai chi three times a week is suggested. These exercises combine deep breathing with stretching and movement which are excellent at melting away built-up stress. Check to see if your college offers classes, if not, see what’s offered in town or download an exercise app.

Get Beauty Sleep

If you must pull an all-nighter, try to take a 1 to 2 hour nap the next day to make up some of the difference. Make sure you get sleep whenever you can because chances are you aren’t getting the amount of sleep you need. If you have roommates that are night owls, establish quiet hours so you can have some time to sleep.

Take Five

Make sure to take at least 5 minutes every half hour to stretch, walk around, and breathe deeply. Hunching over your computer all day can strain your eyes, wrists, neck, and back.

Eat Some Greens

Adding some fruits and vegetables to your diet will help fight off infection and disease, so put plenty on your plate. A simple rule to go by is fill half your plate with fruits and vegetables. Most college dining services offer various salads and other greens so you can mix it up: spinach one day and mixed greens the next.

Blackstone Orthopedic & Sports Medicine is happy to assist you by providing you with knowledgeable health and fitness information. For more information, visit our website or call to schedule an appointment at any of our 8 locations (800) 725-3037.

  • Tags:
  • college
  • exercise
  • healthy eating