It's that time again... New Year's Resolutions!


Right around this time every year, most Americans are thinking the same thing, what is my New Year’s resolution going to be this year?

According to the Marist polling firm, about forty percent of Americans make New Year's resolutions. A study conducted by researchers at the University of Scranton, showed a dramatic drop off in how long New Year’s resolutions are kept in the United States. Seventy-seven percent of the resolvers studied made it through a full week and fifty-five percent stuck with their goals for a month. By June, only forty percent of those who had made a New Year's resolution were still sticking with the goal. This leaves us with about sixty percent of New Year’s resolutions failing.

It’s time to start 2015 off right! Here are a few tips that will help you to stay on track in the New Year.

Make attainable goals

Manageable goals are the ones with the highest success rate. It is a lot easier to commit to a small-level change than to a complete life overhaul. Consider dividing your goals up into weekly or monthly chunks in order to set benchmarks for the times where you meet deadlines at work, cook meals at home, or accomplish whatever your resolution may be. Research has shown that people who don't meet their goals in something specific become less likely to succeed in future attempts.

Know that you may fail at first. That's inevitable and okay!

Sometimes, struggling to excel at keeping your resolution becomes the main reason to quit. Our goals don't have to work this way; we can acknowledge this mistake and use this to get back on track.

Be very motivated and committed

Studies recommend looking at the concrete steps that will need to happen in order to achieve the goals in which you have set for yourself. What are the things that will be different about your life, and how can you manage those behaviors?

Track your progress!

Whether you use an app, a journal, a calendar, or an accountability buddy; tracking will help you reach your goals. Start tracking sooner rather than later, so you don’t waste time and energy!

I hope that these useful tips will help you accomplish all of your 2015 New Year’s resolutions. Here’s to a happy and healthy New Year!!

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  • fitness

Author: Tanya Quaresma

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