Patient Spotlight: Mike


How Biologics Helped Mike Raise His Game After Injury

For Mike, a nagging hand injury caused more than just a little pain: his CrossFit training was suffering, and as an orthodontist, the prospect of surgery meant missing important time on the job.

“I went through PT and it wasn’t getting better,” Mike explained. “I got to a point where it was recommended I get surgery.”

That’s when he turned to Ortho RI Biologics. Mike met with Dr. Charlotte Moriarty, a sports medicine primary care specialist, to discuss nonsurgical options utilizing biologic medicine. The appointment made his choice clear: “Either stop doing what I love, get surgery, or try Biologics.”

So Mike decided to move forward with the treatment recommended by Dr. Moriarty: an injection of a biologic medicine called platelet-rich plasma, or PRP. PRP is a concentration of platelets and growth factors from a patient’s own blood or bone marrow. These were injected into the site of Mike’s injury to induce the release of growth factors, stimulate the repair process, and speed healing.

And while this treatment might have sounded like another daunting obstacle, it turned out to be little cause for concern for Mike. “My experience was fantastic,” he said. “The procedure itself was not nearly as bad as I expected to be. Overall it was pretty seamless.”

And the results exceeded his expectations, too. As his injury improved following treatment, Mike returned to CrossFit training more quickly than he expected.

“I am now about six months out and I feel great,” Mike said. “I lifted more overhead about a month ago than I ever have. When I got hurt, I couldn’t hold much more than a barbell overhead.“

"It’s been amazing,” he continued, praising his experience with Ortho RI Biologics. “I only have fantastic things to say. The pain is almost nonexistent. Way less invasive than surgery, and I feel great.”

Learn more and request a consultation with Ortho RI Biologics.

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