Ortho Rhode Island Blog

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Exercise / Dr. Anthony Deluise

Planks, Planks, Planks

… It is always an easy exercise prescription to tell an individual to just add planks to your work out program and you will get stronger. However, are people training the core correctly or just performing exercises that have been around for ages? You must see people at the gym performing sit-ups, seated trunk rotation machines and the typical 1 minute plank while talking to their buddy next to them. But are these the best exercises to perform to improve one’s core strength or endurance?

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Bone Health / Orthopedics Rhode Island

Is bone mineral density everything when it comes to osteoporotic fracture risk?

Osteoporosis is defined by the National Osteoporosis Foundation (NOF) as a bone mineral density (BMD) by DEXA T-score of less than -2.5. A T-score compares the density of your bones against the average healthy 30 year old person. An osteopenic patient with a major

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Ankle & Foot / Orthopedics Rhode Island

ORI Doc Shares His Expertise

Dr. Anthony Mechrefe, an Ortho Rhode Island orthopedic surgeon, will be sharing his expertise on ankle pain and treatment with the public at a series of open seminars.

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Back Pain / Amanda McKenna

It’s Golf Season!

Now time for back pain…or maybe not! Many avid golfers complain of chronic low back pain as the season progresses. Warming-up often gets overlooked as people get right into swinging, whether at the driving range or at the first hole. Here are a few mobility drills that will help to get the body warmed-up and help to prevent injury, especially at the low back.

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Get to Know / Kelly Teixeira

What Am I Supposed To Do with These Things?

…………for those of you with a knee surgery you may find the following information helpful. Post-operatively and even after injury you may be fit for crutches or a knee brace. I have put together some helpful information on how they should fit and how to use them.

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Interesting / Dr. Roald Llado

America’s Opioid Epidemic

If you’ve turned on a television recently, you’ve more than likely heard about the opioid epidemic that is sweeping across America. In the medical setting, opioid medications are utilized to relieve pain. Unfortunately, these medications have many side effects, including

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Back Pain / Cindy Napier

Oh My Aching Back!

More than 80% of the US population will experience an episode of low back pain in their lives, and 95% of those with low back pain will recover within a few months of onset. Some will not recover after the first three months and develop chronic low back pain. I was recently part of the latter group. Almost 2 years of left leg pain which eventually ended with surgery, a left L5-S1 discectomy.

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Sports / Dr. Anthony Deluise

Simple Guidelines To Decrease Injury Risk of Youth Pitchers

With the snow finally melting and the days growing longer, baseball season in New England is fast approaching. However, nothing can ruin a baseball season faster for a pitcher than elbow or shoulder pain. Unfortunately, elbow and shoulder injuries have become increasingly frequent among little league, middle school, and high school players. However, the risk of these injuries can be drastically reduced by following a few basic guidelines.

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Hand Therapy / Michelle Choquette

Occupational Therapy’s Centennial Celebration

A few weeks ago the field of Occupational Therapy celebrated its 100th birthday! In order to honor my profession, I’d like to give a brief history of how OT first began, including how the name occupational therapy came to be.

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NOTICE: MRI imaging at our Providence office is currently unavailable due to construction. We appreciate your patience as we work to improve your experience!