Nutrition and Diet for a Healthy Back



The main component of your overall health includes good nutrition and a balanced diet. It may be surprising to most people that maintaining a healthy weight and diet play a major role in your back. This includes healing from injuries and preventing various problems.

In order for bones to stay strong enough to support the body, muscles and other structures in the spine need good nutrition and vitamins.  Choosing the right foods with optimal nutrition will reduce back problems by nourishing muscles, bones, and discs. Here are a list of vitamins that are beneficial for helping with back pain.

Vitamin A: This is an effective antioxidant that assists in fighting off diseases in the immune system. This vitamin is good for the back because it helps repair tissue in the formation of bone.

Vitamin B12: In order for the body and spine to grow and function normally, vitamin B12 is necessary for healthy bone marrow.

Vitamin C: Vitamin C is extremely important for healing injured tendons as well as keeping bones and other tissues strong. Vitamin C is responsible for the development of collagen, the important process that allows cells to form into tissue.

Vitamin D: Vitamin D is responsible for improving calcium absorption, which is necessary and important to help prevent development of osteoporosis. Weak and brittle bones can result in painful vertebral fractures.

Iron: This is needed to get rid of carbon dioxide and helps cells remain healthy and receive oxygen. Iron also aids in the production of myoglobin, which is an important element needed to support the spine.

Magnesium: Assists in the body’s use of protein, maintaining muscle tone and bone density, which in turn can prevent back problems.

Having back problems or would like to talk to someone regarding proper nutrition to keep your body healthy? Blackstone Orthopedics & Sports Medicine has experienced orthopedic surgeons that are happy to assist you by providing you with knowledgeable health and fitness information. Before starting any supplements regimen it’s best to consult with your doctor. For more information, visit our website or call to schedule an appointment at any of our 8 locations (800) 725-3037.

  • Tags:
  • diet
  • pain management
  • vitamins